Beware of Fever in Children Very Dangerous .... !!!!

Fever in children is an increase in body temperature above normal. The normal range for body temperature has a limit varies by weights and measures as well as to the child's age. To simplify it, then made a general limit for infants and children. Fever is when the measurement with a thermometer in the armpit indicate temperature> 38oC. Especially for infants, in addition to know the limits of temperature fever, it is also important for parents to know the minimum temperature limits a baby could be at threat of hypothermia, ie 36,5oC.

Accurate temperature measurements of course by using a thermometer. Measurements using a mercury thermometer for 2 minutes note will give more accurate results than with a digital thermometer.

Fever is actually the body's defense mechanism to notify the host. This is the attribute of the Creator to us alert and aware have contracted a disease. Disease is a clinical condition caused decrease of microorganisms (germs) and symptomatic or certain signs. Fever in children is not always a sign of disease. Circumstances such as the lack of fluid, can cause us to be a fever.

Then when the dangerous fever ???
Fever in children is dangerous and needs to be treated if:
· Children feel uncomfortable.
· The risk of seizures.
· The risk of organ damage (eg head trauma that resulted in regulating body temperature to be increased)
· Hiperpireksi, namely temperature> 41oC

Fever safest drug to be administered is kind of paracetamol. These drugs are relatively safe for the Asian nation. Can reduce fever within a maximum of two hours, have a service life of between 4-6 hours. These types of drugs fever (antipyretic) Other ibuprofen. But keep in mind that ibuprofen has side effects such as dyspepsia, is discomfort in the stomach, so that kind of antipyretic should not be given to children with symptoms of vomiting.

Is any of fever requires laboratory tests?
Not every fever requires laboratory examination. As discussed earlier, the fever is the body's alarm when facing invasion or attack germs. In the process of this battle, the body requires a series of processes to protect themselves, kill germs, while sounding the alarm. Blood tests carried out on the first 2 days of fever will usually provide results within normal limits. Therefore it is recommended blood tests carried out on the third day of fever. It should be emphasized that not every fever require laboratory tests. If the focus of infection may be suspected based on symptoms and clinical signs, the therapy can be done without doing laboratory tests.

Certain diseases, although it has been known types and medicine, will still require a series of laboratory tests periodically. It is intended to determine the therapeutic progress has been made and to be aware of the existence of other infections that occur in children. For laboratory examination, parents are encouraged to consult with their physicians, checks are performed on target.

Easy Ways to Clean Lungs If you smoke More Than 5 Years.

The first thing you need to look at is that smokers - passive and active, as well as communities large cities need to regulate the respiratory system. This sort of thing due to the fact that their respiratory systems are the most vulnerable to the various diseases.

The most common diseases including asthma, bronchitis and various types of cough.
Fortunately, there are recipes that help to clean the lungs. Some scientists have said that some of the ingredients in this recipe can even prevent cancer. So do not delay! Begin to clean your lungs with this recipe:

Material :
1 small piece of ginger
2 tsp turmeric
1 liter of water = 33, 814 we fl. oz.
400 g (14 oz.) Garlic (peeled and cut into four)
400 grams (14 oz.) Sugar (which may be normal, but preferably brown sugar)

Method of preparation:
Pour water into a container that fits, keep over the fire and add the sugar. When it begins to boil, add the garlic, grated ginger and turmeric. Wait until boiling combinations. Then remove and let cool to room temperature. Keep drinks in the fridge.

How to Drink :
Take 2 tablespoons of this combination in the morning on an empty stomach and at night 2 tablespoons after eating most of your final.