FAMILY AND HEALTH: Tips For Parents of children Obeying Desire

Tips For Parents of children Obeying Desire

Each child has a different personal, there is to be a sweet and pleasant some are being unpleasant. Unpleasant attitude often makes the emotions, stress and panic for parents. But as a parent it do not make you blame the kids.

Ladies, here's how to make children be nice and follow your wishes as parents:
  • Notice the behavior of children, make sure they know what to do to make you feel happy or quite the opposite.
  • When he was doing a good thing do not hesitate to give awards and gifts to them. The kids really liked the gift.
  • Avoid saying do when they do bad things. Replace with a positive phrase that you want them to do to you.
  • Be with enthusiasm about the attitudes of both children.
  • Saat you want them to do one thing, do not provide an explanation once repeatedly because it will make them feel bored and uncomfortable.
  • Abaikan child's behavior annoying, you're not interested in responding will make him know that you are not interested in him.
  • Bersikap calm will make your child feel more calm.
Faced with small children is not easy. Small children are easier to imitate the behavior rather than listen to the speech. Then do a positive thing if you want a good thing too. Do not forbid them too frequently play mobile phone if you often do it in front of them. Hopefully this information is helpful.

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