Turns Onion Can Eradicate Lice and Their Eggs In Hair-eggs

However, sometimes the problems that interfere with the beauty of hair is often seen. With the exception of dandruff, dry hair, split ends and so no one among the problems that make some women beaver.

Where besides disturbing beauty of hair, hair problems this opportunity will make uncomfortable. Hair problems which we mean that there are lice in unison with eggs.

Head lice are generally very vulnerable to the children, but nevertheless did not close the opportunity adults will definitely feel it.

There are many steps that can be used to eradicate lice along with eggs.

However, most people use the non-natural steps to overcome such as using drugs or products that contain special chemicals. Eradicate the hair in this manner is indeed popular sufficiently efficient and fast, but also recognize the need in the hair root out such a move would lead to several other problems.

Now, therefore it would be better if you eradicate head lice by using a natural step to use some natural ingredients.

Shallots are a natural ingredient known among powerful enough to handle or eradicate lice.

Shallots have a very strong aroma to thereby make the hair lice can not stand the smell or odor caused. Beyond that, the onion also contain active compounds that can kill the lice.

Step eradicate head lice by using red onions quite easy and simple. Here are the steps to eradicate head lice with onions that you can refer to.

Herb Onions
How to get rid of lice by wearing red onion easiest is to use the herb onion. The first step you need to do that, provide just enough onion.

Then peel this onion, red onion and then wipe it clean. When the onion is clean, melting it by way of onion until finely ground.

When the onion is completely smooth, apply on your hair with a flat manner. Let stand most hours, then you can immediately wash your hair using shampoo common use until really clean.

Onion and coconut oil
Onion and coconut oil is also known quite effective in killing lice.

Where the steps that you can do that, prepare the onions and coconut oil as needed. For palm oil that you can use natural coconut oil or perhaps by using virgin coconut oil package.

Provide necessary onion. Then wash or peel the onion, then mashed onion until smooth. Then, mix it with coconut oil to provide. Mix well.

Then, apply this mixture on your hair. Wait partially hour, only then clean up completely clean. Thus lice will actually die even coincided with eggs.

Head lice are parasites that one will develop fairly quickly and very large head section. Beyond that, lice also really like the condition of the hair were dirty and damp. However, if you can make hair hygiene protection, so you can be apart of the hair lice problem.

Benefits of Coconut and lemongrass leaves Can Cure Heart Disease, Diabetes And High Blood Pressure

Heart disease, diabetes or diabetes, and high blood pressure are the type most disease suffered by the people of Indonesia.

This sort of thing is influenced by a diet that is unhealthy and bad habits such as smoking, drinking soda and eating excessive in sugar. But no disease is incurable, and fortunately God provides a variety of alternative treatments such as the one which we describe below.

For you people with heart disease, diabetes and high blood please try the following tips.

Prepare one young coconuts it remains soft, plus 3 lemongrass already tapped, plus 7 seed halba, and heat and drinking water.

Halba is also commonly referred to fenugreek, commonly used to make curry. Halba / fenugreek can be found in the store seasonings.

Eat this herb 2 days. So, suppose you have seven young coconuts then it is sufficient for 14 days consumption.

Beware Insomnia is very dangerous

Sleep is a requirement that must be met by humans. This requirement serves to make the body more refreshed when you wake up in the morning. Normally, humans need sleep for seven to eight hours per day. Regular sleep patterns and enough can preserve your health and vice versa irregular sleep patterns or even less, will cause many diseases. But, unfortunately, have difficulty sleeping or commonly called insomnia has been one complaint of many people.

Insomnia itself is not a disease. Insomnia is a symptom that is constituted by a number of factors. Such as stress, depression, drug use, physical disorders, and emotional disturbance. However, in essence, the more you get older, the quality of sleep also tends to decrease. The pattern of early morning wake up when it is more often found in the elderly. Some people fall asleep normally but wake up several hours later and it was difficult to get to sleep again. Not a few people who sleep in a state of anxiety and the day still feel not enough sleep. Woke up early in the morning, at any age is a sign of depression. People may also experience sleep disturbance pattern reversed, ie not sleep at bedtime and waking at bedtime.

Acute insomnia may be triggered by events such as illness or death of those he loved. This can be attributed to the onset of insomnia. Insomnia pattern that one can be cured of it slowly and patients may also experience insomnia repeated continuously. The greater the effort to try to sleep, then sleep will be more difficult. Look at the clock every minute will only increase the difficulty to fall asleep. The bed could eventually be seen as a right that is difficult and it can sleep more easily in an unfamiliar place.

Insomnia can lead to some dangerous diseases. Serious health problems such as heart disease, heart attack, heart failure, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes. In addition to many dangerous diseases, often stay up also raises some other loss. This is the danger of insomnia:

  • Being Forgetful : People who have difficulty sleeping disorders, it would be easy to forget what he has learned and he experienced. In 2009 the American and French researchers from finding out that the events of the brain called sharp wave ripples are responsible to strengthen the memory in the brain. This event also transfer information from the hippocampus to the neocortex in the brain, where long-term memories are stored. Sharp wave ripples occur mostly during sleep.
  • Increase Risk of Obesity : When someone less rest, then it would be patronizing appetite in the evenings. Now the consumption of food in the evening is what will enable our body fat. The relationship between sleep and hormones that regulate appetite. Ghrelin stimulates the taste of coconut, and leptin signals to the brain to stimulate the appetite. Short sleep time is associated with decreased leptin and ghrelin increase. Lack of sleep not only stimulate the appetite, but also stimulate the desire to eat fatty foods and foods high in carbohydrates. However, research continues to be done to test whether a good sleep should be a standard part for a weight loss program.
  • Decreased concentration :Good sleep patterns affect concentration and thinking. Lack of sleep also can decrease alertness, and problem solving.
  • Accidents : It can not be denied if drowsiness will attack if someone less sleep. Sleepiness is the harm you if you bring a vehicle, because not infrequently found accidents caused by the driver to drive his vehicle in a state of drowsiness.
That dangers of insomnia. It's good if you have insomnia, you consult a doctor. In order to get proper treatment. 

How to Treat Gout With Leaves Greeting

Our country has known some medicinal plants that are growing and recognized can be used as an alternative cure gout such as bitter, Sida rhombifolia L. (sidaguri), greeting, cat whiskers, groats and earrings that generally possess diuretic (urine laxative) pharmacologically.

However, if you are undergoing modern medicine, it is not advisable for you to use traditional medicine at the same time, as it may lead to overdosing so that it will be dangerous.

Bay leaves are known as spices are easy to find in the markets. These leaves have a distinctive fragrance that give fragrance to the taste of the archipelago. Bay leaves contain compounds such as essential oils, tannins and flavonoids.

Laurel can be used to overcome gout, by boiling the leaves 10 with 700 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, then the water is drunk while warm.

Tips For Parents of children Obeying Desire

Each child has a different personal, there is to be a sweet and pleasant some are being unpleasant. Unpleasant attitude often makes the emotions, stress and panic for parents. But as a parent it do not make you blame the kids.

Ladies, here's how to make children be nice and follow your wishes as parents:
  • Notice the behavior of children, make sure they know what to do to make you feel happy or quite the opposite.
  • When he was doing a good thing do not hesitate to give awards and gifts to them. The kids really liked the gift.
  • Avoid saying do when they do bad things. Replace with a positive phrase that you want them to do to you.
  • Be with enthusiasm about the attitudes of both children.
  • Saat you want them to do one thing, do not provide an explanation once repeatedly because it will make them feel bored and uncomfortable.
  • Abaikan child's behavior annoying, you're not interested in responding will make him know that you are not interested in him.
  • Bersikap calm will make your child feel more calm.
Faced with small children is not easy. Small children are easier to imitate the behavior rather than listen to the speech. Then do a positive thing if you want a good thing too. Do not forbid them too frequently play mobile phone if you often do it in front of them. Hopefully this information is helpful.

Ten How To Become A Great Dad

1. Respect Your Mother Children.
One of the best things a father can do for his children is to respect their mother. If you are married, keep your marriage strong and full of vitality.

2. Take Time Together With Your Children.
How a father spends time saying what was important to him. If you always seem too busy for your children, they will feel neglected no matter what you say.

3. Earn the Right to Be Heard.
Too often the only time a father speaks to his children is when they make a mistake. Begin talking with your kids when they were little, so that difficult subjects will be easier to handle as they get older. Take time and listen to ideas as well as their problems.

4. Discipline with Love.
All children need guidance and discipline, not as punishment, but to set boundaries that make sense. Remind your children of the consequences of their actions and provide meaningful rewards for desirable behavior.

5. Role Model.
Fathers are role models for their children, whether they realize it or not. A girl who spends time with a loving father grows up knowing she deserves to be treated with respect by boys, and what to look for in a husband. The father can teach his sons what is important in life by demonstrating honesty, humility and responsibility.

6. Be a Teacher.
Too many fathers think teaching is something others do. But a father who teaches his children about right and wrong, and encourages them to do their best, will see his children make good choices.

7. Eat Together as a Family.
Sharing a meal together (breakfast, lunch, or dinner) can be an important part of healthy family life. In addition to providing some structure in a busy day, it gives kids the chance to talk about what they are doing and what they want to do.

8. Recite Stories For Your Children.
Start reading stories to the children since they were little. When they are older, encourage them to read on their own. Instilling a love for reading is one of the best ways to ensure your children experience personal growth as well as a lifetime career.

9. Hold Up Love You.
Children need the security that comes from knowing they are wanted, accepted and loved by their family. Parents, especially fathers, need to be willing to hug their children. Showing affection everyday is the best way to tell them that you love them.

10. Realize That A Father's Job Is Never Done.

Even after children are grown and ready to leave home, they will still find wisdom and advice from his father. Whether a matter of continuing education, new job, or a wedding, fathers continue to play an important role in the lives of their children as they grow and, perhaps, marry and build their own families.

Family Problems Solutions For Husband

In the family, the position of the leader is on the husband. The husband is a religious educator in the family, because the most important responsibilities husband saved his wife and family from the Fire (At Tahrim: 6). Position powerful husband, but keep in mind that religious education is the process of converting careful temperament changed. Husband had the power to force, but if you just rely on the imposition of any changes to the wife just outside alone, unable to enter the heart
Some issues in view of husband and wife:
  • Lazy wife prayer
  • Disobedient wife's husband
  • Difficult wife advised
  • Wives hang out with other men, either directly or through the virtual world (Facebook, BBM, etc.) 

Things that can be done if the husband and wife seen as problematic:
  • The husband used to repent for the mistakes that have been done, both to God and to his wife.
  • The husband realizes that the first one who took the decision to get married, and what is happening now is the consequence.
  • The husband made sure all his responsibilities to his wife completed properly, the inner or outer world and the hereafter.
  • If the husband never remiss in his duty to his wife, apologize to his wife.
  • Husbands often charity, especially to people who need istiqomah / continuous
  • Give the science of religion to the wife, if the husband can not give the husband needs to find a teacher / recitation for the wife.
  • Husband gives an example of a role model to his wife. God willing, if the husband is the best of both husband especially depraved, then what the husband would easily go to the wife's heart, not just through it. If the advice has been carried out with the best, but my wife still will not change, then the next action as in Surat an-Nisa 'verse 34: “The women whom you fear disobedience [291], admonish them and send them in their beds, and beat them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them-find [292]. Allah is Most High, Most Great”.
  • If the husband had to give advice but is not adhered to by the wife, the husband can give the next stage of separating the bed until the wife would obey.
  • If after marital separation was not obedient, the husband can beat his wife with a punch that did not hurt wife
  • If after receiving the blow was not obedient, then the husband can provide for divorce threat, and if they are not adhered to the wife also can be divorced.
  • some Notes
  • Actions against nusyuz wife (ungodly):
  • Surat At Tahrim : 6 people those who believe, guard yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is men and stones; guardian angels of the rough, hard, and do not disobey Allah in what he commanded them and always do what they're told. "