FAMILY AND HEALTH: Dangers Of Too Often Taking Sleeping Pills

Dangers Of Too Often Taking Sleeping Pills

Not a few people who consume sleeping pills to help them sleep or rest comfortably. The medicine may be prescribed by a doctor, or maybe they can on their own at a pharmacy. Taking sleeping pills actually is normal and acceptable, but taking it too often and excessively will have effects that are not good for health.

A recent study published in the journal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration shows that sleeping pills are considered to have a considerable danger from what most people think.

The data showed that there are many health problems in hospitals were caused by excessive consumption of sleeping pills. This is supported by data showing an increased number of patients were also admitted to the hospital related to the use of sleeping pills from 2005 to 2010. So, what exactly makes a sleeping pill be dangerous?

A researcher named Carl Bazil, M.d said that many people think that sleeping pills tend to be benign. But therein lies the problem. Sleeping pills can actually help people sleep in peace. However, sleeping pills only have a temporary effect, and is not to be used in the long term. If used improperly, these drugs can be dangerous.

The greatest danger of sleeping pills tend to be more influential in women than men. This is because women have the possibility of drug metabolizing sleep longer than men. Another problem is related soporific effect that will be felt in the next morning. People who take medication to sleep at night will usually be a bit tired after waking up the next morning. In fact, the person may still feel sleepy. When he was dozing off when I went to work and he was driving, then it can be fatal for his safety.

Bazil explained the "accident while driving is one of the biggest problems when people consume sleeping pills. This is because they often do not realize that they are not fully recovered consciousness. It's almost like someone driving a vehicle while intoxicated ".

Sleeping pills can also be dangerous when consumed with alcohol, stimulants, or other drugs. The effect will be doubled, and make people feel uncomfortable when I wake up the next morning. Most people often do not realize that the effects of sleeping pills are very fast and powerful. In order not to be dangerous, it should be taken sleeping pills when you are ready to sleep on a mattress.

As for the other problems that may arise as a result of sleeping pills are addictive. Although not always the case, but the long-term use of sleeping pills can trigger craving and dependence on the drug. When the body has been accustomed to sleeping pills, then the body will 'accept'. You might be more difficult to fall asleep when not taking sleeping pills first.

Sleeping pills should only be consumed to aid sleep, however, do not consume them too often. Do not rely on sleeping pills to get to sleep soundly. Begin to fix your sleep patterns, can be a way of relaxation before bedtime or foods that can trigger drowsiness.

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