FAMILY AND HEALTH: Family Problems Solutions For Husband

Family Problems Solutions For Husband

In the family, the position of the leader is on the husband. The husband is a religious educator in the family, because the most important responsibilities husband saved his wife and family from the Fire (At Tahrim: 6). Position powerful husband, but keep in mind that religious education is the process of converting careful temperament changed. Husband had the power to force, but if you just rely on the imposition of any changes to the wife just outside alone, unable to enter the heart
Some issues in view of husband and wife:
  • Lazy wife prayer
  • Disobedient wife's husband
  • Difficult wife advised
  • Wives hang out with other men, either directly or through the virtual world (Facebook, BBM, etc.) 

Things that can be done if the husband and wife seen as problematic:
  • The husband used to repent for the mistakes that have been done, both to God and to his wife.
  • The husband realizes that the first one who took the decision to get married, and what is happening now is the consequence.
  • The husband made sure all his responsibilities to his wife completed properly, the inner or outer world and the hereafter.
  • If the husband never remiss in his duty to his wife, apologize to his wife.
  • Husbands often charity, especially to people who need istiqomah / continuous
  • Give the science of religion to the wife, if the husband can not give the husband needs to find a teacher / recitation for the wife.
  • Husband gives an example of a role model to his wife. God willing, if the husband is the best of both husband especially depraved, then what the husband would easily go to the wife's heart, not just through it. If the advice has been carried out with the best, but my wife still will not change, then the next action as in Surat an-Nisa 'verse 34: “The women whom you fear disobedience [291], admonish them and send them in their beds, and beat them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them-find [292]. Allah is Most High, Most Great”.
  • If the husband had to give advice but is not adhered to by the wife, the husband can give the next stage of separating the bed until the wife would obey.
  • If after marital separation was not obedient, the husband can beat his wife with a punch that did not hurt wife
  • If after receiving the blow was not obedient, then the husband can provide for divorce threat, and if they are not adhered to the wife also can be divorced.
  • some Notes
  • Actions against nusyuz wife (ungodly):
  • Surat At Tahrim : 6 people those who believe, guard yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is men and stones; guardian angels of the rough, hard, and do not disobey Allah in what he commanded them and always do what they're told. "

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