FAMILY AND HEALTH: Problem Solution Vaginal Itching During Pregnancy

Problem Solution Vaginal Itching During Pregnancy

To cope with vaginal itching during pregnancy you need to know what the cause first. Feminine area that should be well protected are often overlooked cleanliness. Especially when you are pregnant, fulfilling the needs of the baby will add to the lack of attention to the cleanliness of the vagina.

Not only that, the groin area that had not been cleaned properly in the bath can cause vaginal itching during pregnancy. Of course you need to clean this area when the bath and do not forget the cleanliness of the towels and underwear worn.

Fungal infections that cause itching - itching in the area of ​​femininity can be prevented by keeping the body as well. Remember, Groin and surrounding the area were closed, moist and warm. This is what causes the fungus can multiply freely.

To be safe, consult this issue with your obstetrician. Do not forget to ask for the advice of an antifungal drug either smeared or drink that itching in the vagina quickly disappear. If you want to try the traditional way that is safe, use the herb alfalfa leaves. Prepare 2 teaspoons of alfalfa leaves and brewed with 1 cup boiling water. Cover and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Drinking traditional herb itch relievers regularly 1-3 times a day each 1 cup.

Another way that you can try is to use garlic. Provide 1-2 cloves of garlic. Peel the skin and squeeze the water. Take the garlic juice with a cotton swab and then apply to the vaginal area that itches. Perform this method every day until the itch is reduced and disappear on their own. Even though you're taking an antifungal drug or wear traditional ingredients to address vaginal itching during pregnancy, you should pay attention to the health of this feminine area well. Avoid wearing tight jeans, using non-cotton underwear and notice the area around the groin when you bathe. Make a start now, do not let this problem continue and become worse than before.

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