FAMILY AND HEALTH: Feature - Feature Love On People Improper

Feature - Feature Love On People Improper

Falling in love is wonderful, but it can also be bad, when someone is at the height of fall in love with the opposite sex, then without a strong faith can only love it would be bad. Falling in love is beautiful is to fall in love for their limits - limits, not jatih love that there are no limitations.

Their sense of missed arise because you have limited time and space with your partner. Well, being in poor when such love there is no limit.

Here are the traits - traits that you're in love with the wrong lane.

Love blinded.
A good pair were a couple that besides good in your eyes, but also good in the eyes of your friends. Try asking the most honest opinion of your closest friends about the relationship you are currently living. Often people who are in love blinded that she would know her partner, but in fact he was blind.

Accept you for who you are.
Loh how so? instead of a nice couple that accepts what their spouse? Suppose you're in a difficult choice, you ask your partner what to do. A good pair were a couple that makes you turn, make it a negative that is in you is gone. The trick is to make your changes and not resigned to accept the way you are.

Another example, when you have the attitude / behavior is bad. A good pair will admonish you that it's bad, and encourage you to change.

Condition You do not know something.
You are invited to learn together by your friends, but your partner suddenly call and invite street. You have two choices, refusing your partner, or refuse an invitation to your friends. When you explain what kind of condition you, a good partner will think again the priority which is more important for you, not him.

Other characteristics, he will even encourage you to get excited.

Not Jealous.
If your partner is not at all jealous of you surrounded by the opposite sex you, or was walking alone with the opposite sex you are. You must be careful, it could be your spouse have another couple more he loved.

Just Like You Only.
Love is wrong is when your partner just like you, he does not like the people closest to you, such as your friend, your brother, your sister, or your parents.

A good pair, will treat people - those closest to you as well as he treats you.

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