FAMILY AND HEALTH: Motivational and Inspirational Stories

Motivational and Inspirational Stories

There was a 22-year-old boy who sat in the train with his father. Incidentally, they sat next to a woman.

Suddenly, the son looked out and shouted, “Dad, look, the trees walked in the opposite direction with us!”

The father smiled and woman sitting next to him was surprised and felt sorry to see the behavior of his son.

A few minutes later, the son shouted again and said, “Dad, look, the clouds are going with us!”

After the son cried, the woman whispered to his father, “Why do not you take him to a doctor? I think he needs to be hospitalized”

Hearing these words, the father smiled and said, “I have come to the hospital almost every day since my son was born, my son was blind since his birth, and today, he had just recovered from the blindness”

Everyone has their own reasons, not just to justify what we see today.

Shackles of Life
A man passes many elephants, suddenly, he stopped and confused. He noticed that the elephants were tied by a rope which just very small.

The man wondered why those large animals that he saw having no attempt to escape, even though they were only bound by a small rope.

It was clear that the elephants could run anytime and escape from that place, but they did not do that.
After a few minutes of observing the unique behavior of the elephants, a coach approached. The coach said, “that the shackles of life ..”

“What do you mean by the shackles of life?” he asked.

The coach replied, “The elephants do you see already belt since they were little. The small rope is always capable to restrain them. When they grow up, they believe that they cannot escape from the rope. They believe that the existing rope around their necks are still able to hold them, so that’s the thing makes them surrender to escape. “

Hearing the coach explanation, the man was amazed. He was understand that when we want to do something, we must continue to believe that we can do it, even though we’ve failed, we should not give up on the problem of life.

Respect Everyone!

One day, there was a poor man who comes to a best-selling ice cream shop in town. He wanted to buy one cup of ice cream, flavors with honey, that was the most delicious ice cream among others.

When he had passed the queue, the waiter at the ice cream shop asked him out loudly and arrogantly, “What do you want to buy ?, if you do not bring the money, it’s better to go!”

The man replied, “I want to buy an ice cream flavored with honey, how much does it cost?”

The waiter replied, “Rp. 50,000”

The man took the money in his pocket, then calculate coins he had. He had money of Rp. 51,000.

The waiter could not wait and returned said harshly, “hurry up, there are a lot of people waiting!”

The man was surprised and asked, “How much is plain ice cream?”

The waiter replied impatiently, “Rp. 35.000, hey hurry up!”

The poor man then counted the money and he finally chose a plain ice cream than honey ice cream. After paying the ice cream to the cashier, he immediately went.

In the afternoon, when the waitress was clearing the table, the cashier approached him and gave the money, Rp. 15,000. The cashier said that it was the tip given by the poor man to the waiter.

The waiter was only being quiet and cried.

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