FAMILY AND HEALTH: September 2016

Feature - Feature Love On People Improper

Falling in love is wonderful, but it can also be bad, when someone is at the height of fall in love with the opposite sex, then without a strong faith can only love it would be bad. Falling in love is beautiful is to fall in love for their limits - limits, not jatih love that there are no limitations.

Their sense of missed arise because you have limited time and space with your partner. Well, being in poor when such love there is no limit.

Here are the traits - traits that you're in love with the wrong lane.

Love blinded.
A good pair were a couple that besides good in your eyes, but also good in the eyes of your friends. Try asking the most honest opinion of your closest friends about the relationship you are currently living. Often people who are in love blinded that she would know her partner, but in fact he was blind.

Accept you for who you are.
Loh how so? instead of a nice couple that accepts what their spouse? Suppose you're in a difficult choice, you ask your partner what to do. A good pair were a couple that makes you turn, make it a negative that is in you is gone. The trick is to make your changes and not resigned to accept the way you are.

Another example, when you have the attitude / behavior is bad. A good pair will admonish you that it's bad, and encourage you to change.

Condition You do not know something.
You are invited to learn together by your friends, but your partner suddenly call and invite street. You have two choices, refusing your partner, or refuse an invitation to your friends. When you explain what kind of condition you, a good partner will think again the priority which is more important for you, not him.

Other characteristics, he will even encourage you to get excited.

Not Jealous.
If your partner is not at all jealous of you surrounded by the opposite sex you, or was walking alone with the opposite sex you are. You must be careful, it could be your spouse have another couple more he loved.

Just Like You Only.
Love is wrong is when your partner just like you, he does not like the people closest to you, such as your friend, your brother, your sister, or your parents.

A good pair, will treat people - those closest to you as well as he treats you.

Less effect Sports Can Be Unhappy

Human body and mind are closely interrelated and influence each other. The lifestyle that you live will affect the mind and how to cope with the stress of life. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that are responsible for delivering messages to various brain regions. Neurotransmitters in the brain play an integral role in mood and state of mind.

A neurotransmitter known as dopamine associated with mood. The lack of dopamine in the brain has been associated with feelings of depression, attention deficit disorder, impulsive feelings, lack of ability to concentrate, anxiety and loss of pleasure. Despite the lack of serotonin is also responsible for feelings of depression, some antidepressants work by increasing dopamine in the brain.

Demanding and often complain is a hallmark of life is less happy. According to research published in the journal "Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise", the nature of such a lack of good can be muted by doing activities that stimulate the release of dopamine.

The level of dopamine in the body is influenced by the portion of exercise you do. The effect of exercise produces a high resistance to anxiety and depression. There is a direct relationship between lack of physical activity and the amount of dopamine in the brain. Less and less exercise means less and less dopamine in your brain.

Dopamine combat stress and fight depression by acting on the limbic system, the part of the brain that is important in emotional responses. An article published in the "Neuro Endocrinology Letters" in 2010 found that there is a close relationship between the circuits of pleasure, reward and motivation in the brain that are tied to the limbic structures and dopamine.

Lack of dopamine have been studied can lead to the development of Parkinson's disease and personality disorder threshold, as well as other conditions related to cognitive and emotional responses. By encouraging the synthesis of dopamine, exercise can help alleviate some of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's disease is a neurological condition characterized by muscle rigidity, lack of deliberate movement and tremor. These symptoms are caused by the degeneration of dopamine cells in the brain, called the basal ganglia.

Overall, regular physical activity is essential for brain function and mental good health. The best exercises to do to increase the levels of dopamine in the brain is aerobic exercise, at least 30 minutes a day, five times a week. In addition to exercising regularly and orderly, the balance of physical and mental health needs to be accompanied by other healthy lifestyle.

Easy Ways To Know Your Heart Healthy Or Not.

This way you can do at home, in the mosques, even while on holiday in the wild though. The trick, sit on the floor with feet extended forward so that the toes facing upward. After that, reach your toes with your hands. If you are flexible enough to reach the tip of the toes with your hands, God willing, your heart is still healthy.

Conversely, if you have difficulty reaching fingertips stiff by hand, you can go to a heart specialist or a cardiologist to check the condition of your heart. Especially if you have pain in the chest, often a cold sweat, and signs of heart disease more. An easy way to know cardiovascular health has been published in the journal Heart and Circulatory Physiology. Researchers from the University of North Texas and a number of Japanese researchers have conducted experiments with 526 participants aged between 20 to 83 years.

Participants took the test the flexibility of the body with a measured blood pressure, the arteries and heart activity. The result, researchers found a correlation between the body that are not flexible with arteries that are not flexible, especially in participants over the age of 40 years. Participants who failed the test the flexibility of body failed to reach the tip of your toes turned out to have stiff blood vessels, and means the ability of the heart becomes less good, efficient and the risk of heart disease.

Dr. Yamamoto explained, although the theory of the relationship between back and leg muscles with muscle near his heart still vague - vague, but the presence of these studies are quite helpful. Stiffness of back muscles, legs and heart vessels that are interconnected is due to its collagen composition of the same.

"If you can touch your toes while sitting straight, your heart is still quite good. But if not, maybe you need to go to a cardiologist," said Dr. Yamamoto.

But Yamamoto is not always add muscle stiffness is a sign of heart disease, only the heart may be less fit and healthy than they should.

Healthy Lifestyle And Diet For Pregnant Women

Pregnant is the most beautiful grace in a woman's life. Their seeds of life in the womb would make so many changes in the life of the mother. A mother became more cautious in their activities. And of course, the mother needs to pay attention to nutrition is consumed. Due to the growth and development of the baby in the mother's womb depends on what the mother eats.

Basically diet for pregnant women is not too different from the diet for a healthy life. Foods rich in fiber are needed by pregnant women to avoid constipation. Fruits and vegetables included in the fiber-rich foods that should be consumed by pregnant women. Various vitamins in fruits and vegetables is also needed by the pregnant mother and the baby.

Pregnant women also need to eat sugar as a source of energy. But the best form of sugar that is derived from fruits or better known as fructose. Consumption of sugar in the form that we know everyday will only add calories but do not provide nutrition. When pregnant women eat too much sugar, the weight will increase too much. Until feared could complicate the delivery process.

Fat often accused of being unhealthy foods, but everyone still needs fat in the daily diet. As well as pregnant women. Only pregnant women should choose fats that are categorized as types of unsaturated fats. This type of fat is not dangerous or raise cholesterol levels in the blood. Foods rich in unsaturated fats are fresh nuts, sunflower seeds and olive oil.

Foods that should be reduced in the diet of pregnant women is salt. Foods that contain high levels of salt feared would make a pregnant mother's blood pressure to rise. High blood pressure can endanger the health of pregnant women and fetuses. Preeclampsia or poisoning is a condition that can be life-threatening pregnant women when her blood pressure was too high.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle by choosing appropriate foods make healthy pregnant women and fetuses.

Benefits Of Pregnancy Massage To Fetus In Content

Massage in pregnant women has been done by our ancestors long ago. The massage is done traditionally is believed to be capable of providing therapy to the mother and baby in the womb. To support the process of this massage, masseuse usually tend to use ingredients from natural materials to facilitate the massage and special relaxation effect. But this modern age therapy for pregnant women has a lot to offer through the spa for pregnant women.

The benefits of massage for pregnant women is especially useful relieve stress and relax the body. The process of massage is used to help blood flow in the body so that pregnant women will not be easy to feel cramps or spasms in the muscles.

Although the massage is a safe activity for you who are pregnant, massage should be done after passing the first trimester so that massage will also be beneficial to the fetus in the womb. Here are the benefits of massage for pregnant women fetus in the womb;

Helps To Justify The Position Of The Fetus
In the age of the content over the first three months, usually position the content often changed positions that can be caused by several factors. Usually this is the condition of mothers who are too tired or exhausted may fall and others. In addition, the period before the birth of the baby is also often not exactly on its position so that the massage can help restore the position of the baby.

Facilitate The Baby In The Face Of His Birth
Women who undergo massage therapy pregnant women will help the baby to facilitate the process of birth. This is because the baby in the womb will be more healthy, so when facing the birth of the baby will be more powerful.

Provide Comfort To The Baby
The process of massage therapies provide relaxation on the mother will also be felt by the baby in the womb. This situation will certainly provide comfort to the baby that eventually could also provide other positive effects for the baby's development both physically and psychologically.

Setelah Sholat Maghrib & Subuh Membaca Al-Qur'an Dapat Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Otak.

Tahukah Anda? Ternyata Membaca Al-Qur'an Setelah Maghrib & Subuh Itu Manfaatnya Luar Biasa , Menurut hasil penelitian, ternyata membaca Al-Qur’an setelah waktu sholat Maghrib dan Subuh itu dapat meningkatkan kecerdasan otak sampai 80 %. Hal ini karena disana ada pergantian dari siang ke malam dan dari malam ke siang hari.

Disamping itu, ada tiga aktivitas sekaligus, yakni membaca, melihat dan mendengar. Terdapat beberapa hal yang dapat menyebabkan seseorang itu kuat ingatan atau hafalannya, diantaranya:Menyedikitkan makan Membiasakan melaksanakan ibadah shalat malam Dan membaca Al-Qur’an sambil melihat kepada mushaf. Tak ada lagi bacaan yang dapat meningkatkan terhadap daya ingat manusia, dan juga memberikan ketenangan kepada seseorang kecuali membaca dengan Kitab Suci Al-Qur’an. Selain itu, membaca Al-Qur’an juga mendatangkan pahala dari Allah SWT.

Dokter ahli jiwa, Dr. Al Qadhi melalui penelitiannya yang panjang dan serius di Klinik Besar Florida Amerika Serikat (AS) berhasil membuktikan bahwa hanya dengan mendengarkan bacaan ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an, maka seorang Muslim itu, baik mereka yang bisa berbahasa Arab maupun bukan, dapat merasakan perubahan sebagai berikut:

Fisiologis yang sangat besar, Penurunan depresi, kesedihan, Memperoleh ketenangan jiwa
Menangkal berbagai macam penyakit merupakan pengaruh umum yang dirasakan orang-orang yang menjadi objek penelitiannya Penemuan sang dokter ahli jiwa ini tidak serampangan.

Penelitiannya ditunjang dengan bantuan peralatan elektronik terbaru untuk mendeteksi tekanan darah, detak jantung, ketahanan otot, dan ketahanan kulit terhadap aliran listrik. Dari hasil uji cobanya ia berkesimpulan, bahwa membaca Al-Qur’an berpengaruh besar hingga 97 % dalam melahirkan ketenangan jiwa dan penyembuhan penyakit.

Dalam laporan sebuah penelitian yang disampaikan dalam Konferensi Kedokteran Islam Amerika Utara pada tahun 1984 disebutkan, Al-Qur’an terbukti mampu mendatangkan ketenangan sampai 97 % bagi mereka yang mndengarkannya. Masya Allah Untuk itu, mari sekarang ini kita mulai meluangkan waktu kita beberapa menit dari 24 jam di hari kita, yang diberikan oleh Allah SWT untuk membaca, merenungi, mentadaburi dan memahami isi yang ada didalam Kitab Suci Al-Qur’an.

Overlooking In-laws To Stay Pillars And Adored

In-law is the second person we who must be respected and cherished. But sometimes there are laws that are too often interfering our domestic affairs. So often triggered friction with the law. For example, when the child cried out loud because it is not allowed to eat sweets by their parents, but instead they allow in-laws. This is clearly contrary to your parenting.

Especially if you are staying with in-laws house, not a problem often arises whether it is small or severe nature. To avoid conflict with the law, should these conditions should be addressed wisely and cool head.

Live at home together with brother-in-law and the other, certainly awkward and stressful every day. To avoid conflicts of interest and keep you comfortable while raising their children.

Immediately adapt to environmental law, after getting married and decided to stay together - the same in-laws' home. Then you should be able to adapt to family life environment laws. Learn the habits and character of law. Thus you can keep Bener attitude when faced husband's parents.

Define a clear boundary between your own family affairs and domestic affairs laws. For example, any job that should be done by you and which ones should not need to be handled alone.

Besides, do not overload or troublesome in-laws, such as clothes drying laundry. Cleaning new tableware used by you and the child.

Do not interfere debate family, all family definitely has its own problems - his own, including how to find a solution. If it happens in-law, should not be too much involved to interfere in the internal debate or discussion husband's family.

Mutual respect of privacy, even if you stay at home husband's parents, you also need privacy. Similarly, the law also need a privacy, so respect the privacy of each - each.

How To Keep Keeping Harmonious Once Married

We as women would dream of harmonious household, keep warm and intimate as when they were dating. But not a few who said that if a married romantic things such as during courtship reduced and even disappear altogether.

No call - call affection and attention as it used to surprise - a nice little surprise. Then why do it? Is not after marriage can be more freely showed affection for the couple? Because many are experiencing it, here I try to give some tips to keep the romance after marriage

Say Please And Thank You
Rarely for domestic partner is married for years to pronounce it. In fact, these words provide a great impact. Your partner will feel appreciated and recognized the result of efforts by the utterance.

Give Kiss On The Forehead
A peck on the forehead believed to have deep meaning for a relationship. Give a brief kiss on her forehead when you wake up, then your partner will feel always loved.

Not Ashamed Say 'I Love You'
How many times you say I Love You after marriage? Definitely rarely. Begin to say I Love You in the morning or when ending a call, it will always touched her heart.

Do Not Forget His Birthday
Still remember how you used to be troublesome to prepare a surprise birthday while still dating? Do it again it is with the kids, your spouse will surely delight for days ahead.

Dinner Together Outside
Occasionally, eating was both out with a couple without children, you will have time to reminisce about the old courtship. It will be a very pleasant thing.

Family Holidays
Make a holiday schedule, for example every school holidays children. There's always more fun when vacation and not forgotten.