A husband complained of being tired ... tired and exhausted .... and wanted his wife to help make a living because so far he thought was his wife, "Not Working"

That is his responsibility between a husband (S) and psychologist (Q)

Q: Does the work Mr. Bandi?
S: I work as an accountant in a bank.

Q: Dear Wife?
S: He does not work. Only housewife.

Q: Every morning who provide breakfast?
S: My wife who presents because she did not work.

Q: What time does the wife get up to provide breakfast ??
S: At 4 am he woke up for breakfast before making him clean up the house first ..

Q: Mr. Bandi children to school what ??
S: My wife, who drove because she was not working.

Q: After dropping off the kids, what's next wife you do?
S: Go to the market, then return home to cook and clean up a clothesline, and ironing. Remove the afternoon picking up the kids from school and help the children learn in the afternoon.

Q: Mr. Bandi Afternoon after returning home, what do you do?
S: Take a break, because I was tired of working all day.

Q: So what did the father's wife?
S: Provide food, caring for children, prepare dinner for me and clean up the leftovers and clean-up and further putting the kids.

Let us look together, based on the story above, you think who is more work ???

Your wife all day routine starts from before the morning so through the night, it was also said to be Not Working ?? !!

Housewife does not work, does not require a roll of a diploma, a series of rank or position large mountain, but the role of housewife is important !!!

Respect wife. Because after sacrifices immeasurable. It is an afterthought for us all to always understand and respect the role of each. Because of their sense of "Mutual Respect" then all will be happy.

Cara Paling Ampuh Merawat Wajah Secara Alami, Sehat dan Agar Awet Muda

Bagaimana cara merawat wajah secara alami? Hal ini pertanyaan kebanyakan para wanita pada jaman saat ini, menunjukkan bahwa para wanita sekarang sudah memahami bahwa back to nature (kembali ke alam) dalam merawat wajah secara alami lebih berharga ketimbang perawatan kimia yang mahal.Dan kebanyakan dari mereka juga berpikir menggunakan bahami lebih aman dipakai. Tetapi beberapa wanita juga masih berlomba-lomba melakukan perawatan wajah dengan biaya mahal untuk memiliki kulit wajah putih berseri,mulus,  cerah, bersih, sehat, bersinar dan segar.

Padahal, kalau mereka tahu bagaimana cara merawat wajah agar putih bersih, tentu mereka tidak perlu mengeluarkan biaya mahal untuk perawatan di salon-salon kecantikan. Karena merawat wajah bisa dilakukan sendiri di rumah.Otomatis dengan begitu juga bisa menghemat pengeluaran kita. Simak saja penjelasannya di bawah ini:
Cara Merawat  Wajah Tampak Lebih Bercahaya

1. Jeruk Nipis
Jeruk nipis dikenal dengan khasiat yang terkandung di dalamnya berupa vitamin C serta memiliki kemampuan untuk membuat pori kulit disekitar wajah menjadi lebih rapat, serta mampu memberikan kehalusan pada kulit dan bisa lebih tampak bercahaya. Cara penggunaannya sangat mudah anda tinggal membelah jeruk menjadi 2 bagian kemudian peras airnya dan oleskan pada bagian wajah kemudian biarkan mengering dan setelah itu basuhlah menggunakan air hangat dan di susul beberapa menit kemudian dengan air dingin untuk pembasuhan terakhir.

2. Apel
Buah apel sangat baik untuk mengurangi kandungan minyak yang keluar di wajah sehingga tampak wajah lebih segar dan lembab, caranya juga begitu mudah. Anda tinggal blender saja Aple kemudian oleskan blenderan tadi ke wajah anda. Usahakan jangan mencampur dengan air dan setelah itu basuhlah dengan air bersih.

3. Tomat
Tomat mampu menghilangkan segala macam penyakit mulai dari komedo, jerawat dan berbagai macam flek hitam kandungan vitaminnya untuk kulit benar-benar mampu membuat kulit lebih sehat. Cara menggunakannya juga cukup mudah tinggal blender dan oleskan sama dengan apel tadi.

4. Pisang
Pisang mampu memberikan kelembapan pada kulit wajah anda, kandungan yang ada dalam pisang mampu menutrisi kulit wajah dengan maksimal. Jika ingin mendapatkan yang lebih maka sebaiknya di campur dengan 1 sendok madu.

Cara Merawat  Wajah Berminyak dan Kusam.

1. Masker Bengkoang
Siapkan bengkoang dan cucilah hingga bersih. Kupas Kulit bengkoang dan kemudian parut. Peras parutan tersebut dan ambil airnya, tampung di mangkuk atau gelas dan buang ampasnya. Diamkan hasil perasan tadi beberapa saat, biarkan mengendap pada dasar wadah. Buang airnya dan ambil endapannya. Endapan itulah yang digunakan sebagai masker bengkoang.

2. Pepaya
Pepaya yang berwarna hijau atau oranye dapat berkhasiat mencerahkan kulit. Pepaya hijau mengandung enzim papain yang ideal untuk memutihkan kulit. Caranya, ambil satu sendok makan pepaya hijau (pepaya yang masih mangkal) yang telah dihaluskan, dan satu sendok makan pepaya masak, campurkan. Oleskan pada wajah dan biarkan selama 15 menit, lalu bilas. Lakukan cara ini setiap hari untuk hasil yang optimal.

3. Kentang
Kentang ternyata dapat bermanfaat untuk memutihkan kulit, lho. Jus kentang dapat digunakan sebagai pemutih alami bagi kulit kita. Caranya, parut satu buah kentang dan tambahkan satu sendok teh madu, campur lalu oleskan pada kulit wajah dan leher. Diamkan selama 20 menit, lalu bilas dengan air. Ramuan ini cocok untuk semua jenis kulit.

Cara Merawat Wajah Agar Putih Bersih dan Awet Muda.

1. Minyak alpukat
Banyak perempuan yang malas membersihkan wajah sebelum tidur, karena merasa sudah begitu lelah. Nah, minyak alpukat dapat membantu Anda yang tak sempat mencuci muka sebelum tidur. Minyak alpukat ini secara efektif membantu menghilangkan sisa-sisa riasan wajah. Setelah menghapus sisa make-up, gunakan tisu untuk menyerap kelebihan minyak yang tertinggal di wajah.

2. Lada Manis (Paprika)
Paprika adalah salah satu bahan alami yang bagus untuk facial wajah Anda, dengan membuat masker dari olahan paprika Anda bisa memutihkan wajah Anda, dimana masker paprika ini bisa meningkatkan sirkulasi aliran darah di dalam wajah. Anda bisa menghancurkan (mem-blender) paprika merah atau hijau untuk menghasilkan pasta atau krim sebagai masker wajah. Oleskan pada wajah Anda dan kemudian biarkan selama lima belas menit, kemudian bersihkan wajah Anda dengan air dingin. Dengan krim alami ini sel-sel kulit wajah Anda dapat lebih sehat dan pastinya wajah putih alami bisa Anda dapatkan.

3. Yogurt
Yogurt ternyata bisa memberikan kelambapan untuk kulit wajah Anda. Dengan mencampur sedikit madu dan kemudian oleskan pada kulit wajah Anda, biarkan selama 10 menit kemudian bisa dibersihkan dengan air. Masker berbahan yogurt ini bisa menghaluskan kulit wajah Anda, pastinya kulit wajah putih nan halus adalah dambaan semua orang.

4. Chamomile
Chamomile memang biasa dijadikan teh. Namun bunga ini bisa berfungsi sebagai bahan alami untuk mencerahkan kulit wajah. Chamomile juga memiliki banyak kandungan untuk mengatasi mata yang bengkak. Anda hanya perlu mencelupkan kantong teh ke dalam air panas, dan biarkan sampai dingin. Kemudian, tempelkan kantong teh pada mata. Lakukan hal ini selama dua minggu untuk melihat hasilnya.

5. Susu
Anda pasti sebelumnya sudah mendengar tentang manfaat mandi susu. Tetapi bila mandi susu dirasa terlalu repot, cukup gunakan susu untuk membasuh muka. Susu memiliki banyak bahan yang dapat mengurangi bintik-bintik hitam pada wajah, dan meningkatkan warna kulit dengan cara yang sempurna. Tuang beberapa tetes susu pada kain pencuci muka, lalu gunakan kain tersebut untuk menggosok wajah dengan lembut. Susu akan menghilangkan sel-sel kulit mati yang menutup wajah, dan memberikan warna yang baru.

6. Almond

Almond dapat membantu mengurangi kegelapan warna kulit, sehingga kulit akan terlihat lebih terang. Cara praktis dan alami untuk menggunakan almon untuk memutihkan kulit adalah dengan mencampurkan almon dengan susu dan sedikit kunyit. Caranya, pada pagi hari, rendam 4-5 biji almond dan satu ruas kunyit dalam susu cair. Pada malam harinya, keluarkan kunyit, lalu haluskan almon dalam susu tersebut hingga terbentuk pasta. Oleskan campuran ini pada wajah dan leher dan biarkan semalaman. Setelah itu, pada pagi harinya bilas dengan air dingin dan bersihkan. Untuk hasil yang optimal, lakukan cara ini 2 minggu sekali.

Tips Perform Facial Treatment with Lime

Lime is used not only as a source of vitamin C and usually served as a favorite beverage throat and thirst-quenching refreshment.

In addition, lime can be used as part of a facial treatment with lemon and herbal cosmetic tools to enhance the beauty and youthfulness of the skin.

Some dermatologists recommend the use of lime to overcome the problems of the skin. One is inflammation. Often inflammation causes the skin feels hot and itchy, rather than using expensive cosmetic products are not necessarily effective, our choice could fall on a lemon that is herbal and easy to find anywhere.

Lime can kill the bacteria that cause acne so that anyone who regularly uses lime as the mask will have acne free skin. In order to make it easier

practicing facial treatment with lemon, here's how you can do:
You can use a spray bottle to help you do a facial treatment with lime. Fill an empty spray bottle with water and lime juice mixed with water. Spray on skin to sink a well. You could split into two parts lime and gosokkanlah directly on the skin. If done regularly, the skin will be brighter and fresher.

Cut a thin layer of lime and enter the water for a few seconds and then use a cotton bud to take the water. Clap-clap on the skin and rinse after 30 minutes. For exfoliation, mix lemon juice, tomatoes and cucumbers. Then use a brush to mask the skin. Rinse after 20 minutes. The skin will become bright.

Indeed, unlike other whitening products, skin care with orange nipismembutuhkan long time and consistently. If the patient to apply the way, the skin will slowly become brighter and healthier without having to worry about the effect of this treatment samping.Karena fully using herbs.

Lime is not difficult to obtain. Without having to order a prescription or PO advance in cosmetics vendor. Materials of this beauty can be found anywhere without having to drain the wallet. All it takes is patience and painstaking attitude. Two things have to be able to change your skin becomes more bright and shining

How To Resolve Family Problems

Humans can not be separated from the problem, and is destined to solve independently or through the help of the lain. Seiring age, degree of difficulty is even more diverse. Similarly, when she married would not be separated from the problems of life.

However, family problems can not be solved alone - alone, but required the participation of all family members. Do not avoid the problem of the family, the impact is not good, it gets worse it becomes. For an issue that is not soon resolved new problems will arise again, like a snowball continues to grow when rolled under.

Very diverse family problems triggered by a number of factors such as differences of opinion, financial problems, and planning the future of the family. Therefore caution is needed in completing and seek appropriate solutions.
Here are some quick tips on how to resolve the problem in the household :

Do Not Get Carried Away
Sometimes when there is a difference of opinion and arguments with each other, can trigger emotions and anger that exploded - explosive. Better not get carried away when you discuss with your spouse or family member. Talk - good with a cool head and heart awake. Set the tone should not be too emotional and explosive - explosive.

Remember The Initial Commitment
Sometimes the problems facing too severe and threatening domestic harmony. Nevertheless, still adhering to the initial commitment to stay together when faced with weighing any situation. Do not necessarily off the hook, and let your partner alone bear the burden of the problem.

Beat Each Other For The Future Of Children
Do not rely on the current egoism resolve family issues. Awareness succumbing be a way out, in order to maintain the integrity of households and save the future of children - children.
Find a third-party references
The next step should ask a third party to seek input and advice related to the problems being faced. For example from her own parents, in-laws, friends or a marriage counselor. Who knew they could give positive feedback. 

Foods That Can Cause Acne

So many ways in which to get rid of acne, ranging from facials, masks, up to dermatological care.

Well, first we need to know the factors causing acne. Can be used as a hormone of the body not stable, stress, makeupyang not suitable, or even food. What are the foods that can cause acne???.

1. Fried Chicken
What ? This is everyone 's favorite! If you often consume fried chicken, you will be an excess supply of grease with oil to be digested by the body, so carried away by the blood flow that is used to form new skin cells. Not a healthy and fresh skin but acne ! Oh no !

2. Fried Potatoes
Almost hear the fried chicken. Fried potatoes absorb a lot of oil that trigger the growth of acne on our face.

3. Instant Noodle
instant noodles know it is really hard to resist. But you have to be careful, yes. Instant noodles contain a lot of preservatives and unsaturated fat which can lead our smooth face covered with acne.

4. Ice Cream
One does not simply can resist the power of ice cream. Turns out we should not be lulled by the sweet taste of ice cream and cold ! High sugar content in ice cream trigger acne.

5. Pudding

Pudding usually contain milk which is filled with a powerful fat really inviting acne.The high sugar content is also included into the list of foods that can cause acne.

Process Of Tumor Or Cancer

Cancer is a dreaded disease because of ferocity. However, cancer is not a disease that occurs in a short time.

Need a long process to transform normal cells into cancer cells. By knowing the process of its formation and factors that trigger it, you are expected to do prevention. Our bodies consist bodies and limbs that are connected by blood vessels and lymph vessels. Member body composed of cells that are very small (one hundredth of a milli meter), which has almost the same shape, but have different functions.

Such as white blood cells, which protect against germs that enter the body. Red blood cells, blood oxygen transport function. Platelet function to freeze the blood in order to prevent bleeding.
There are organelles within the cell, one of which is the nucleus of cells that contain the gene or DNA. DNA is the genetic material known as a nature offspring. Cancer gene derived from a single cell is damaged.

Cells damaged genes can be wild and develop continuously, so that from a single cell into millions of cells and form new tissue. The new network is called a tumor or cancer.

No genes in cells called cancer gene (oncogene), tumor suppressor genes (tumor suppressor gene), and the gene in charge of repairing the defective gene, the gene repair. If one of these genes are damaged, then it could become cancerous. Damage to the genetic material, or commonly referred to as gene mutations can occur in several ways, both internally and externally.

Internal Factors
An error occurred during the replication of cells that die are replaced by new cells. Is a genetic fault inherited from parents. This error usually cause cancer at an early age.

When a mother has breast cancer, not necessarily all the daughters will experience the same thing, because the cells that have genetic errors to be damaged first before they turn into cancer cells. Only individual cell carrier genetics wrong, are more at risk of developing cancer than those not having a gene mutation that is wrong.

Factor gene mutation internally, it can not be prevented but external factors can be prevented. According to WHO, 10 % - 15 % of cancers, are caused by internal factors and 85 %, caused by external factors. So, even if not 100 %, in fact cancer can be prevented or avoided invitation avoid external factors.

External Factors
External factors that can damage the genes are viruses, air pollution, food, radiation, and comes from chemicals, fine chemicals added to food, as well as chemicals that come from pollution.

Added chemicals in food, such as preservatives and food coloring. How to cook also can convert food into chemical compounds that are harmful. Meat or fish grilled until charred, include chemicals such as benzo - a- pyrene, amen heterosoklik, dioxin, and others.

Germs that live in food can also be spread toxins, such as aflatoxins in nuts, is closely related to liver cancer. The more often the body attacked by the virus more likely normal cells into cancer cells.

The detoxification process is done by the body, in the process often produces a compound that is more harmful to the body, are compounds that are radical or korsinogenik. Korsinogenik substances can cause damage to cells.

A Real Gentlemen

One sunny morning, with the sun beginning to show bias wonderful light. a wise grandfather passed a clear, distant lake to pluck fruits that grow around there. Arriving at the lake, the grandfather found some nice young girls who were in the shower without using a single yarn.

Spontaneously, the girls immediately swam to the middle of the lake and into the deeper with the aim that the body is not seen by the old man yelling, " Hey old man ! Go away! We will not come out until you're out of here !! "

A few seconds old man paused, then answered the words of a girl who rebuked and expelled from there, "I do not want to see you guys here bath Miss.., do not get me wrong ! Moreover, you all thought I wanted to see you out on the lake without a single yarn cover your body. It was not important for parents who already smell the ground like me !! ".

" Then why do you still stand still there, and instead of immediately going??? " Replied the girl.

Knotted a little smile on the lips of his grandfather, then he replied, "I stand here because I want to eat some crocodiles in this lake…! "

The girls were in the lake immediately swim to the bank and get out of the lake. Even when he got on the banks of the girls spontaneously hugging grandfather.

" Heheh….., may be old age. But the mind must be young, intelligent and agile in the face of every opportunity ". Said the old man in the heart with a smile.

So, the grandfather character above is not wrong if called as a True Man. Which in theory there are seven criteria True Man. That is : 1. Creative, 2. Ambitious, 3. Modern, 4. Progressive, 5. Radical, 6. Exotic, and, 7. Tough.