FAMILY AND HEALTH: Process Of Tumor Or Cancer

Process Of Tumor Or Cancer

Cancer is a dreaded disease because of ferocity. However, cancer is not a disease that occurs in a short time.

Need a long process to transform normal cells into cancer cells. By knowing the process of its formation and factors that trigger it, you are expected to do prevention. Our bodies consist bodies and limbs that are connected by blood vessels and lymph vessels. Member body composed of cells that are very small (one hundredth of a milli meter), which has almost the same shape, but have different functions.

Such as white blood cells, which protect against germs that enter the body. Red blood cells, blood oxygen transport function. Platelet function to freeze the blood in order to prevent bleeding.
There are organelles within the cell, one of which is the nucleus of cells that contain the gene or DNA. DNA is the genetic material known as a nature offspring. Cancer gene derived from a single cell is damaged.

Cells damaged genes can be wild and develop continuously, so that from a single cell into millions of cells and form new tissue. The new network is called a tumor or cancer.

No genes in cells called cancer gene (oncogene), tumor suppressor genes (tumor suppressor gene), and the gene in charge of repairing the defective gene, the gene repair. If one of these genes are damaged, then it could become cancerous. Damage to the genetic material, or commonly referred to as gene mutations can occur in several ways, both internally and externally.

Internal Factors
An error occurred during the replication of cells that die are replaced by new cells. Is a genetic fault inherited from parents. This error usually cause cancer at an early age.

When a mother has breast cancer, not necessarily all the daughters will experience the same thing, because the cells that have genetic errors to be damaged first before they turn into cancer cells. Only individual cell carrier genetics wrong, are more at risk of developing cancer than those not having a gene mutation that is wrong.

Factor gene mutation internally, it can not be prevented but external factors can be prevented. According to WHO, 10 % - 15 % of cancers, are caused by internal factors and 85 %, caused by external factors. So, even if not 100 %, in fact cancer can be prevented or avoided invitation avoid external factors.

External Factors
External factors that can damage the genes are viruses, air pollution, food, radiation, and comes from chemicals, fine chemicals added to food, as well as chemicals that come from pollution.

Added chemicals in food, such as preservatives and food coloring. How to cook also can convert food into chemical compounds that are harmful. Meat or fish grilled until charred, include chemicals such as benzo - a- pyrene, amen heterosoklik, dioxin, and others.

Germs that live in food can also be spread toxins, such as aflatoxins in nuts, is closely related to liver cancer. The more often the body attacked by the virus more likely normal cells into cancer cells.

The detoxification process is done by the body, in the process often produces a compound that is more harmful to the body, are compounds that are radical or korsinogenik. Korsinogenik substances can cause damage to cells.

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