A husband complained of being tired ... tired and exhausted .... and wanted his wife to help make a living because so far he thought was his wife, "Not Working"

That is his responsibility between a husband (S) and psychologist (Q)

Q: Does the work Mr. Bandi?
S: I work as an accountant in a bank.

Q: Dear Wife?
S: He does not work. Only housewife.

Q: Every morning who provide breakfast?
S: My wife who presents because she did not work.

Q: What time does the wife get up to provide breakfast ??
S: At 4 am he woke up for breakfast before making him clean up the house first ..

Q: Mr. Bandi children to school what ??
S: My wife, who drove because she was not working.

Q: After dropping off the kids, what's next wife you do?
S: Go to the market, then return home to cook and clean up a clothesline, and ironing. Remove the afternoon picking up the kids from school and help the children learn in the afternoon.

Q: Mr. Bandi Afternoon after returning home, what do you do?
S: Take a break, because I was tired of working all day.

Q: So what did the father's wife?
S: Provide food, caring for children, prepare dinner for me and clean up the leftovers and clean-up and further putting the kids.

Let us look together, based on the story above, you think who is more work ???

Your wife all day routine starts from before the morning so through the night, it was also said to be Not Working ?? !!

Housewife does not work, does not require a roll of a diploma, a series of rank or position large mountain, but the role of housewife is important !!!

Respect wife. Because after sacrifices immeasurable. It is an afterthought for us all to always understand and respect the role of each. Because of their sense of "Mutual Respect" then all will be happy.

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