FAMILY AND HEALTH: Foods That Can Cause Acne

Foods That Can Cause Acne

So many ways in which to get rid of acne, ranging from facials, masks, up to dermatological care.

Well, first we need to know the factors causing acne. Can be used as a hormone of the body not stable, stress, makeupyang not suitable, or even food. What are the foods that can cause acne???.

1. Fried Chicken
What ? This is everyone 's favorite! If you often consume fried chicken, you will be an excess supply of grease with oil to be digested by the body, so carried away by the blood flow that is used to form new skin cells. Not a healthy and fresh skin but acne ! Oh no !

2. Fried Potatoes
Almost hear the fried chicken. Fried potatoes absorb a lot of oil that trigger the growth of acne on our face.

3. Instant Noodle
instant noodles know it is really hard to resist. But you have to be careful, yes. Instant noodles contain a lot of preservatives and unsaturated fat which can lead our smooth face covered with acne.

4. Ice Cream
One does not simply can resist the power of ice cream. Turns out we should not be lulled by the sweet taste of ice cream and cold ! High sugar content in ice cream trigger acne.

5. Pudding

Pudding usually contain milk which is filled with a powerful fat really inviting acne.The high sugar content is also included into the list of foods that can cause acne.

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