FAMILY AND HEALTH: Tips Perform Facial Treatment with Lime

Tips Perform Facial Treatment with Lime

Lime is used not only as a source of vitamin C and usually served as a favorite beverage throat and thirst-quenching refreshment.

In addition, lime can be used as part of a facial treatment with lemon and herbal cosmetic tools to enhance the beauty and youthfulness of the skin.

Some dermatologists recommend the use of lime to overcome the problems of the skin. One is inflammation. Often inflammation causes the skin feels hot and itchy, rather than using expensive cosmetic products are not necessarily effective, our choice could fall on a lemon that is herbal and easy to find anywhere.

Lime can kill the bacteria that cause acne so that anyone who regularly uses lime as the mask will have acne free skin. In order to make it easier

practicing facial treatment with lemon, here's how you can do:
You can use a spray bottle to help you do a facial treatment with lime. Fill an empty spray bottle with water and lime juice mixed with water. Spray on skin to sink a well. You could split into two parts lime and gosokkanlah directly on the skin. If done regularly, the skin will be brighter and fresher.

Cut a thin layer of lime and enter the water for a few seconds and then use a cotton bud to take the water. Clap-clap on the skin and rinse after 30 minutes. For exfoliation, mix lemon juice, tomatoes and cucumbers. Then use a brush to mask the skin. Rinse after 20 minutes. The skin will become bright.

Indeed, unlike other whitening products, skin care with orange nipismembutuhkan long time and consistently. If the patient to apply the way, the skin will slowly become brighter and healthier without having to worry about the effect of this treatment samping.Karena fully using herbs.

Lime is not difficult to obtain. Without having to order a prescription or PO advance in cosmetics vendor. Materials of this beauty can be found anywhere without having to drain the wallet. All it takes is patience and painstaking attitude. Two things have to be able to change your skin becomes more bright and shining

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