FAMILY AND HEALTH: Dangers Of Hypertension In Pregnancy

Dangers Of Hypertension In Pregnancy

At the time of antenatal, first performed is checking blood pressure using a blood pressure cuff. It is very important to know whether a pregnant mother's blood pressure under normal conditions, there is an increase or deterioration. The decrease or increase in blood pressure in pregnant women must be addressed immediately because it can endanger the health of pregnant women and fetuses. Well, in this case we will discuss about hipertesi in pregnant women, prevention, and also the dangers that accompany it.

Hipertesi in pregnant women or increase in blood pressure exceeds normal size during pregnancy lasts not only endanger pregnant women, but also the fetus in the womb. In some countries, hypertension in pregnancy is a major cause increased mortality in pregnant women and fetuses. In pregnant women, hypertension during pregnancy can increase the risk of severe complications, such as blood vessel disease of the brain, heart, kidney failure, and death. As for the fetus, hypertension may increase the risk of premature birth, the fetus died in the womb, fetal growth retardation, and others.

The many dangers of hypertension in pregnant women, we must be vigilant in making through pregnancy. Actually, what are the causes of hypertension in pregnant women? The main cause of hypertension in pregnant women is still unclear, but many who say if all that happens as a result of, unhealthy eating patterns, diet, blood vessel abnormalities, heredity, and others.

Then, attempt what we can do to prevent hypertension in pregnant women? Although hypertension in pregnant women can not be prevented, but a routine inspection during pregnancy can be a great way to minimize complications that can harm pregnant women and fetuses. Here are some businesses that can be done to prevent hypertension in pregnant women:
- Light exercise
- Reduce consumption of salt
- Avoid unhealthy lifestyles, such as smoking, alcohol
- Reduce fatty foods and fried
- Routine examined by a gynecologist.

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