FAMILY AND HEALTH: Important Nutrition For The Runners

Important Nutrition For The Runners

Running is one of the best exercise to burn calories and maintain health. However, for those of you who enjoyed the runner or jogging, should also be balanced with adequate nutritional intake. Nutrition is an important component to support the physical activity of this one. If you often run but not matched adequate nutrition, it will affect the condition and health of your body.

Important Nutrition For Runners

Many nutrients can you asup anda.Namun body needs to support your activities, especially those who like to run, there are three essential nutrients that are highly recommended for your consumption, including :


Runners in dire need of carbohydrates. As for how much carbohydrate is needed, it depends on how fast or far you run. Running with high intensity or running long distances with only offset by low carbohydrate intake, it is like driving a car without fuel. Although energy drinks might just help you to run farther, but carbohydrate intake comes from natural foods full of nutrition. Among the carbohydrate foods are sweet potatoes, rice, quinoa, barley, and much more. In addition, do not forget the fats and proteins needed to help repair and muscle recovery, as well as other important bodily functions.


Before running, make sure also that your body has been fulfilled with the intake of iron. Iron plays an important role to help form red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the muscles of the body. This deficiency can prevent the muscles of the body in getting the optimal amount of oxygen. In contrast to carbohydrates, iron deficiency usually can gradually lead to anemia. The runners have a high risk for iron deficiency because out of the sweat. Sources of food to meet the needs of iron can be obtained from nuts, red meat, tofu, fish, and spinach. To optimize the absorption of iron, combine well with foods rich in vitamin C such as oranges, strawberries, and so on.


The runners are very necessary to consume sodium. This is because sodium has two important roles during the run, which meet the needs of body fluids and make sure fluid is consumed into the body precisely. In addition, sodium is the major electrolyte out through sweat. Therefore, the runners need sodium intake before, during, and after a run. In addition, the need for sodium is increasingly important when you include people who salty sweat. The characteristics of people who salty sweat can be known if their eyes sting as the sweat dripped into it, or find a white stripe on their clothes. As for the sources of sodium that can be achieved can be found in soups, cheeses, breads, and also energy drinks.

May be useful. Greetings healthy!

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